ANZ NZ Merchant and Card Spending

ANZ NZ Merchant and Card Spending is a monthly breakdown of ANZ card spending on a more disaggregated basis than is available in other measures of card spend (not every category is included).

2025 editions

Valentine’s Day spend

There is likely a range of views out there about whether Valentine’s Day spending is a luxury or a necessity, but either way, ANZ card spending at jewellers and florists saw its usual jump leading up to and on Valentine’s Day, 14 February. The data shows a decent bump for jewellers, and a dramatic annual spike for florists. Jewellery spending hasn’t reached the heights of 2021 and 2022, but florist spend has surpassed previous years. However, this is nominal data, meaning it captures price changes as well as volumes of sales.

January 2025

Overall card spend growth slipped a little further in January, down 0.9% y/y on top of a 0.6% y/y fall in December. Generally speaking, the types of spending most sensitive to interest rates (housing, durables, and discretionary spending) are still experiencing the largest falls. Tourism categories of spending are well down versus a year ago. Utilities & Repairs is at the top of the growth stakes, but reflects a mix of ups and downs, as opposed to sector-wide momentum.