About our Privacy Statement

Some things you need to know about our Privacy Statement including how we may sometimes need to change the terms, how to contact us, and the glossary of terms used in the Privacy Statement.

Changes to our Privacy Statement

We may sometimes need to change our Privacy Statement. We will take reasonable steps to tell you about changes at least 14 days before we make them. How we notify you may include one or more of the following:

  • Displaying information in our branches or Business Centres
  • Putting up information on our website or Digital Platforms
  • Publishing changes through news media, such as newspapers, radio or television
  • Contacting you by email, letter or other methods.

If specific laws require us to give you information in writing, you allow us to give you that information electronically by one or more of the following:

  • Emailing you, using an address you’ve given us
  • Including the information in the ANZ goMoney app or ANZ Internet Banking
  • Using another method such as messaging your mobile device.

Contact us if you have questions about privacy

Feel free to contact us if:

  • You have any questions about our Privacy Statement
  • You believe your privacy has been compromised
  • You believe we’ve breached the Privacy Act 2020
  • You want to raise any other matter.

You can:

  • Talk to our Contact Centre, any branch, Business Centre or your banking manager
  • Call our complaints line on 0800 560 555
  • Email anzcustomercare@anz.com
  • Write to:
    ANZ Customer Relations
    Private Bag 92210
    Victoria St West
    Auckland 1142

A glossary of the terms we use

ANZ Group

The ‘ANZ Group’ includes ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited and any companies owned by, or related to, those companies. The companies may be located in New Zealand or overseas, including Australia, China, India, Fiji, or the Philippines.

Behavioural biometric information

Behavioural biometric information means information about how you interact with your device when using goMoney or Internet Banking. This may include how you type, swipe, or scroll.

Biometric information

Biometric information relates to people’s physical or behavioural features. An example would be VoiceID, where you record your voice for authentication when making a high-value payment.


Device is the electronic tool you use to access our Digital Platforms, such as a computer, tablet or mobile phone.

Digital Platforms

Digital Platforms means the various ways we interact with you online. This includes our websites, goMoney and Internet Banking


goMoney means our ANZ goMoney mobile banking app for iPhone, iPad and Android devices. It lets you do things like check your account balances and make electronic payments when your mobile device is connected to the internet.

Internet Banking

Internet Banking means ANZ Internet Banking, our service that lets you do things like check your account balances and make electronic payments when your device is connected to the internet.

Personal information

Personal information means information about an identifiable individual. The term has a special meaning under the Privacy Act 2020.

We, us and our

We, us and our means ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited, companies it owns or is related to, and the ANZ Group.


You means any of these:

  • The individual we interact with
  • The individual who uses our Digital Platforms
  • Any customer we provide any accounts, products, or services to
  • An individual or organisation whose information we collect in order to provide our customers with products or services.