Protect yourself against scams and fraud

Find out how to keep your bank accounts safe with these tips to protect your PINs, passwords and personal information. 

Our top five tips to get started

  1. Set unique, strong and secure passwords that are not saved to your web browser.
  2. Have multiple layers of authentication wherever possible, e.g. OnlineCode, Voice ID, fingerprint or face recognition.
  3. Secure your mobiles, devices and computers with PIN, passcode or biometrics (i.e. fingerprint or face recognition) access.
  4. Update your device operating system, apps and anti-virus software regularly.
  5. Check your privacy settings to ensure you aren’t sharing more personal information than you’re comfortable with.

Protect your PINs and passwords

Use hard to guess PINs and passwords

Make PINs and passwords hard to guess; don’t use things like your name, date of birth, pet’s name, or address.

The longer your password is, the stronger it will be. Try using a phrase, like the lyrics to your favourite song.

Use unique passwords

Use different passwords for all your online accounts.

In particular, don’t use your online banking and email passwords anywhere else. Using the same password across multiple accounts means if one account is compromised, others with the same password can be too.

Keep passwords, PINs and security codes safe

  • Don’t write them down or save them on your phone, computer or device.
  • Never share your passwords, PINs or security codes with anyone, no matter who they say they are - not even ANZ or the Police.
  • Don’t let anyone see your passwords, PINs or security codes – always shield your PIN when you use an ATM or payment terminal.
  • Change your PIN or password straight away if you think it might have been compromised.
  • Never save credit card details or passwords at online shops, or set your browser to remember or auto-complete your login, password or other details. It may be convenient, but it puts you at greater risk of having your personal information stolen.

Protect your accounts

Check your accounts regularly

Look for transactions you don’t recognise. You can easily view your transaction history and past statements in ANZ Internet Banking and goMoney.

Use additional banking security measures

Register for OnlineCode and use biometric identification to make it more difficult for fraudsters to access your banking.

Biometric identification includes:

  • Voice ID
  • Fingerprint recognition
  • Face recognition.

Protect your cards

  • Keep your physical card safe.
  • Put a temporary block on your card if you’ve misplaced it, or cancel it if it’s permanently lost, stolen or compromised. See Report a scam, fraud, loss or theft.
  • Don’t use your card at ATMs that look unusual or like they have been tampered with. Report your suspicions to that ATM’s bank.
  • Protect your card’s PIN - don’t share it with anyone or let anyone see it.
  • Only use your card at places you trust, whether online or in the real world.
  • Avoid sharing your card details over the phone or in email.

Protect your information

  • Make sure your personal documents are safe and secured, both at home and work.
  • Destroy documents that contain personal information, don’t just throw them in the rubbish or recycling.
  • Secure your mailbox with a lock, and make sure you tell all organisations you deal with when you change your address.
  • Use strong passwords and keep the software on your mobile, devices and computer up-to-date – particularly the anti-virus software.
  • Never provide or confirm your credit card details, Internet Banking log in details or two factor authentication codes, through a link in an email or text message, or in response to a phone call you’ve received out of the blue
  • Don’t put any personal or banking information into a website unless you’re certain it is genuine.
  • Always access Internet Banking through ANZ’s website, not from links in text messages or emails. We will never send you a link to your online banking in an email or text message.
  • Log directly onto websites by typing the address in the address bar. Do not click on any logon links in emails or text messages or from senders you don’t know. If you receive a new card or communication about a bank product that you didn't apply for, call the bank it came from immediately.
  • Keep your device operating systems, apps and anti-virus software up to date. Make sure all your devices are protected with a PIN, password or biometric (fingerprint, face or voice).

Protect yourself on the phone

  • Never allow yourself to be transferred to someone you don’t know or haven’t met.
  • If you aren’t sure someone is who they say they are, hang up, and call the organisation back on their listed phone number.
  • Be wary of people asking you to take urgent or confidential action and those offering opportunities that sound too good to be true.

Protecting yourself from identity theft

There are a number of ways you can help prevent yourself from becoming a victim of identity theft.

How ANZ helps protect your accounts

We have fraud monitoring systems and a dedicated team who review banking activity 24/7 for anything potentially fraudulent.

Information and education resources