Money and your whānau

Starting financial wellbeing conversations

Thinking about your finances can feel hard enough, let alone discussing money with your friends and whānau. These conversation starters could help.

Reading time: 3-4 minutes

It’s time we talked

Finances. It’s a topic that can evoke boredom, guilt, even fear. It wakes us at 3am. Or we stick our head under the covers and ignore it entirely. In fact, one in three of us rarely or never discuss our finances with others because we feel embarrassed.

But having open conversations about your finances can have a positive impact on your financial wellbeing, which makes regular discussions about your finances even more important. 

Because the sooner you start, the sooner you can make small adjustments, and the better off you could be.

When to discuss money

Over coffee, in the car, at the supermarket, or on a walk. You get our drift. Almost any time is a good time to chat about your finances (OK, maybe not 3am). 

Where and when’s your call, but the more you commit to constructive chats about money – especially your savings goals – the less awkward and more productive they become. 

How to kick off your money chat

The more we discuss finances in a relaxed environment – like chatting about savings goals at a barbecue – the more we normalise it. 

We’ve cut it down into bite-sized pieces to help you have more meaningful money conversations. Try these suggestions to help get your conversations underway.

Steps to financial wellbeing

Our financial wellbeing programme can help. Try one step or two, or work through the programme's six steps in any order.

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Important information

This material is for information purposes only. Please talk to us if you need financial advice about your situation and goals or about our products and services. See our financial advice provider disclosure (PDF 39.9KB).

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