Spend carefully

Five ideas for your financial wellbeing WOF check

A little time putting your money under the spotlight is a surefire way to keep your finances running smoothly.

Reading time: 3-4 minutes

Get a financial tune-up

Set aside 30 minutes this month to check in on your financial wellbeing. There’s no pass or fail, just five easy steps that could help improve your current situation.

A regular review of your financial wellbeing isn’t just less overwhelming, it helps you track your finances and keeps you on the road to your savings goals. Ready to take your finances for a spin?

Steps to financial wellbeing

Our financial wellbeing programme can help. Try one step or two, or work through the programme's six steps in any order.

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Important information

This material is for information purposes only. Please talk to us if you need financial advice about your situation and goals or about our products and services. See our financial advice provider disclosure (PDF 39.9KB).

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