Transcript – Neudorf Black – how digital marketing grows their black garlic business

[Video: Scenes throughout of Neudorf Black’s owners Noël and Teena and their premises in Tasman, where they make black garlic products. Text on screen that’s similar to what’s being said is not described in this transcript.]

Noël: The last 12 months have been tough, not just for us, but for everyone in the country. We’ve felt we've had to work twice as hard just to reach the same level we did last year.

[text on screen: Teena and Noël Jelsma, Neudorf Black, ANZ Business Customer]

Teena: Hi, I'm Teena.

Noël: I'm Noël.

Teena: And we are in Upper Moutere, Nelson. And we are Neudorf Black.

Noël: Black garlic is a gourmet superfood. We make ours with New Zealand-grown fresh garlic from Marlborough. 

So all our ingredients are local, and we slow cook the fresh garlic for six weeks continuously. Nothing at all is added, not even water, and the end result is this incredible flavour transformation.

The early stages of Neudorf Black were very face-to-face focused, it was markets, it was food events. To expand the business, we needed to go national. 

We needed to develop retail channels, but most importantly, we needed to develop online channels. That was the only way we were going to get beyond sort of the hand-to-mouth stage of the business.

It's very easy to waste money in digital if you don't do it right. So we applied for the ANZ Business Boost.

We felt there was an opportunity that we really weren't leveraging, and that was the opportunity to grow our online presence. We were really hoping to upskill.

[Text on screen: Zeb Lovell, Digitella]

[Video: Zeb, a digital marketing expert, arrives at Neudorf Black carrying a laptop.]

Noël: Hey Zeb.

Zeb: G’day Noël, good to see ya.

Noël: Digitella came highly recommended to us. They came out and saw us and took us through an initial review they had done. They came quite well prepared, they’d had a look through our digital assets, our media assets, and they gave us a really good insight as to how they could impact what we were doing.

[Video: Zeb shows Teena and Noël graphs and other analytics on customer engagement and sales.]

Teena: Best learnings from digital marketing include:

  1. Finding out what it is you don't know
  2. Getting in that expert help 
  3. And then just giving it a go.

Receiving the ANZ Business Boost has given us confidence to move forward and have a better understanding of what it is we're doing, how we can drive sales and basically see some real growth from our online presence.

[Video: Zeb shows more customer analytics.]

Zeb: So this is our total performance overview for November. As you can see, there’s some really, really great results there.

Noël: We've already seen a massive increase in sales over the first 90 days of implementing the programme. The ANZ Business Boost has really improved our capabilities, our confidence, that's really just the beginning for us. We've got a lot of room for growth from here.

[Video: Line graph comparing total monthly sales for 2023 and 2024. From September 2024, sales start trending higher than in 2023.]

Teena: So our key milestones moving forward will be a website redevelopment. Continued search engine optimization.

We also have some long-term growth goals, making digital marketing more a part of our future is really going to help us grow in all areas.

[Video: Cheese boards and antipasto platters at a garden lunch at Neudorf Black, using Neudorf Black products like black garlic drizzles.]

Noël: Our digital presence, our online presence is really just a part of a puzzle, and that puzzle looks like expansion across New Zealand, increasing our retail network, and with an end goal to actually export our product around the world.

Teena: We are incredibly grateful to the ANZ Business Boost programme.

[Video: ANZ and Visa logos.]

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