Payment processing times
It’s important to understand how and when your electronic payments are made, so you can make sure you have enough money in your account.
Same-day payments
Same-day payments are funds transfers, bill payments and tax payments that you’ve set up to be paid straightaway. Same-day payments include using Pay to Mobile— to send money to another ANZ customer who is registered for Pay to Mobile using their mobile phone number.
Payments to ANZ accounts
We take the money from your account immediately and send it to the ANZ account you're paying immediately, any time of the day or night, seven days a week.
Payments to non-ANZ accounts
We take the money from your account immediately, and then send it to the other bank to process.
- If you set the payment up before 10pm, it will be sent that same day.
- If you set up the payment after 10pm, we'll send it the morning of the next day.
Future-dated and automatic payments
Future-dated and automatic payments include funds transfers, bill payments and tax payments that you’ve set up to come out on a particular date – either as a one-off payment or a regular (automatic) payment. We start to process future-dated and automatic payments from 4am on the payment date you have chosen.
Payments to ANZ accounts
We take the money from your account, if there's enough, from 4am on the payment date and send it to the ANZ account you're paying immediately.
Payments to non-ANZ accounts
We take the money from your account, if there's enough, from 4am on the payment date and send it to other New Zealand banks from 9am.
Note: For automatic payments, if your first payment is due the same day you set it up, we'll send that first payment after 10pm. If set up after 9.30pm we'll send the first payment early morning on the next day instead.
Direct debits
We withdraw the direct debit amount from your bank account when we receive a request to take the direct debit (from the initiator), for example, your power company or gym.
As we process payments seven days a week, your payment may come out on a weekend or public holiday. Direct debits are controlled by the person or company that set up the payment, so check with the person or company you pay.
Payments to ANZ loans, credit cards and KiwiSaver
ANZ loan payments
Read about how we process loan repayments.
Payments to your ANZ credit card
You can pay your credit card via bill payment, automatic payment, funds transfer, direct debit, or at branches. Read about types of electronic payment.
Payments to your credit card using a same-day funds transfer are processed immediately.
If you're making a payment to an ANZ credit card, make sure you do so before 8.30pm to ensure it's received to your card account on that day. If we receive any payments after 8.30pm, we'll apply those payments to your card account on the next day.
Payments to KiwiSaver accounts managed by ANZ Investments
These payments will be taken from your account:
- Immediately if you set them up as a same-day payment
- From 4am on the due date if you have set it up as a future-dated payment.
Payments to your KiwiSaver account cannot be reversed. KiwiSaver account payments usually appear in your account within five business days.
Payment processing times over public holidays
Payments are processed on the day they are due, whether that’s a weekday, weekend or public holiday.
See the Ministry of Social Development website and the Inland Revenue website for their payment dates and office hours.
How payments are dated and displayed
We process payments and display your up-to-date balance seven days a week on ANZ Internet Banking and the ANZ goMoney mobile app—.
However, payments you make or receive on non-business days (Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays) display different dates on your account statement or online transaction history. This is because we only update accounts overnight on business days.
Online transaction history vs bank statements
Internet Banking and goMoney
When you select the transaction, you might see two different dates:
- The first line shows the date and time the payment was made or received, e.g. on a Saturday
- The second line shows the business day date your account is updated, e.g. Monday’s date.
Paper or digital bank account statement
You’ll only see the business day date, even if the payment was made or received on a non-business day.
Order of transactions
When accounts are updated overnight on business days, payments are re-ordered and deposits and credits appear before debits and withdrawals. This means weekend payments may appear in a different order than you expect. They may even be mixed in with payments made on the Monday. On Internet Banking or goMoney, select the payment to see additional detail – the first date is when it was made or received.
What happens when we can’t make payments
We've designed our payment process to try and make as many payments as possible for you. This may mean that some lower value payments are made before higher value payments if you don't have enough money in your account to make all of the payments you've set up to be made that day.
If we can’t make a payment because you don't have enough money in your account, we'll continue to try throughout the day. We call this a 'retry'. Our final retry is made at 4am the morning of the next day. For direct debits however, the final attempt is midnight on the day the direct debit is due.
If you don’t have enough money in your account on our final retry, the payment may fail, be dishonoured or we may choose to make the payment anyway. If we choose to make the payment and your account becomes overdrawn, a fee and interest may apply. Read more about the fees and interest that apply to overdrawn accounts.
So we can make your payments on the date requested, and to avoid possible fees and interest charges, please make sure there is enough money in your account to cover them.
How to see if payments are in retry
- In goMoney or Internet Banking, view the Upcoming Payments screen
- In ANZ Phone Banking—, use the Upcoming Bill Payments or Automatic Payments function.
If a payment is in retry, you can delete it yourself in goMoney, Internet Banking or Phone Banking. You are not able to see, or delete, a direct debit that may be in retry.
How to see failed payments
Failed payments (and fees and interest if applicable) will show in your transaction history. The payment will show as a withdrawal for the original amount, a deposit back into your account (i.e. a reversal).
How to make changes to payments
Same-day payments
If you set up a same-day payment, once you've confirmed that payment you can't delete or change it. We start the process of sending that payment immediately.
Future-dated and automatic payments
If you set up your payment to be made on a future date, then you can make changes up until 4am on the due date of the payment. You can use goMoney, Internet Banking or Phone Banking to:
- Skip or edit an automatic payment
- Delete all future-dated payments.
If you need to set up a new automatic payment to start today, or change an automatic payment from a future date to today’s date, you can do so up until 9.30pm. After 9.30pm, the payment will be made the next day instead.
Direct debits
If you wish to change your direct debit (e.g. change the amount, payment date or frequency), you will need to contact the person or organisation you're paying and talk through your options.
To cancel a direct debit, contact us so that we can remove the direct debit authority. You must also contact the person or organisation you’ve given permission to take the direct debit from your account (the ‘initiator’). Otherwise, they may continue to attempt debiting the payment.
When you make payments can affect when we’ll pay or charge interest
Because we don’t finish processing any payments to or from your accounts that were made after the cut-off times until the next day, this affects how we pay or charge interest or fees on these days.
When calculating interest using the balance of your account at the end of the day, we exclude any transactions made after cut-off times, unless agreed otherwise.
For more information, see our General Terms and Conditions (PDF 272 KB).
Tips to avoid payment errors
- Take extra care when entering payment details.
- Pause to think if you could be caught up in a scam.
- Double check the amount and the account number before confirming a payment.
Confirmation of Payee
You can use the Confirmation of Payee service in goMoney or Internet Banking to check the account holder name and account number matches before you make a payment between New Zealand bank accounts.
This service aims to reduce the risk of paying the wrong person and it’s an additional layer of protection to help reduce scams and fraud.
Retrieving payments made in error
Automatic payments and bill payments
If you make a mistake:
- If you know the person or company you’ve paid (e.g. you’ve paid the wrong electrician), it’s best to contact them yourself and ask them to return the money.
- If you don’t know who you’ve sent money to (e.g. you’ve entered the wrong account number), call us immediately on 0800 269 296. We may be able to help by contacting the other bank or the other ANZ customer you’ve paid. The account owner needs to agree to return the money, and a credit retrieval fee of $25 may apply even if unsuccessful.
We can’t stop a payment if you make a mistake, and there’s no guarantee you’ll get the money back. We’re not required to get involved in disputes between you and anyone receiving your payment but will help if we can.
Direct debits
If you have a problem with a direct debit, you’ll need to contact the person or organisation (the ‘initiator’) you’re paying directly.
When we wouldn’t make an electronic payment
We can refuse to make an electronic payment in some situations:
- You don't have enough money in the account you're paying from to make the payment, or that money is uncleared funds.
- The payment amount is over any transaction limit for that account.
- A technical failure stops us processing the payment. This could be in our systems or in the systems used by the banking industry.
- The information you've given us isn't complete or correct.
- We believe the payment involves some form of fraud, money laundering, or other criminal conduct by you, an authorised signatory, or someone else.
- We've received a Court order that stops us processing the payment.
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Important information
Eligibility criteria, terms, conditions and fees (including non-standard fees) apply. Fees are subject to change. Please use the following links for full details of our Terms and Conditions, Fees and Charges (PDF 166KB), ANZ EFTPOS Card and ANZ Visa Debit Card Conditions of Use (PDF 103KB), Electronic Banking Conditions (PDF 138KB) and ANZ Credit Card Conditions of Use (PDF 323KB).