Investment Insights

Summer 2024 Edition

Welcome to our first issue of Investment Insights for 2024.

We’re delighted to welcome George Crosby as our newly appointed Chief Investment Officer for ANZ Investments. For more, see ANZ appoints new CIO.

Global growth is likely to slow this year, but the outlook for bonds is promising. We take a look at some of the key themes we’re expecting, as well as your investment update for the quarter.

One change that’s on the way: an increase to the trustee tax rate, which comes into effect from April. If this impacts you, The Advisory Group’s Graham Lawrence has some practical tips you may find helpful.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of ANZ Investments, and wish you a safe summer. We hope you enjoy the read.

Articles from this edition

Important information

This material is for information purposes only. We recommend seeking financial advice about your situation and goals before getting a financial product. To talk to one of our team at ANZ, please call 0800 500 588, or for more information about ANZ’s financial advice service see our financial advice provider disclosure statement (PDF 39KB).

This material is prepared based on information and sources ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited (‘the Bank’) believes to be reliable. Its content is subject to change and is not a substitute for commercial judgement or professional advice. To the extent permitted by law the Bank disclaims liability or responsibility to any person for any direct or indirect loss or damage that may result from any act or omission by any person in relation to this material. Past performance does not indicate future performance. The actual performance any given investor realises will depend on many things, is not guaranteed, and may be negative as well as positive.