About ANZ Investments

Find out who we are, our investment approach, and why you can invest with confidence.

We’re trusted by New Zealanders

  • We manage more than $30 billion in investments for investors throughout New Zealand.
  • We're New Zealand’s largest KiwiSaver scheme provider.
  • We’ve been helping New Zealanders achieve their financial goals since 1989.

Our history

We began operating in New Zealand in 1989, as Armstrong Jones. In 1996, we became part of the global financial services group ING. In 2002, ING and ANZ formed a joint venture, operating in New Zealand under the ING brand.

In 2009, we became fully owned by ANZ, and in 2013, we changed our name to ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited (ANZ Investments).

Our products and services

Whatever your financial goals, we can help you achieve them with a range of investment options including:

*These schemes are closed to new members.

From overseas: +64 9 356 4000

Important information

Important information is available under terms and conditions. Download the guide and product disclosure statement.