Lorraine Mapu

How businesses can go green and thrive

As change-makers, innovators, producers and leaders, businesses have an important role to play to ensure we have a sustainable future – and the introduction of ANZ’s Business Green Loan offers new support for businesses wanting to invest in sustainable practices. 

ANZ New Zealand Business Banking Managing Director Lorraine Mapu says the offering makes it easier for businesses to make changes – no matter how big or small – that allow them to become more resilient, and better able to support New Zealand’s transition to a net-zero carbon economy.

Reflections of a changing environment 

Businesses are not just a product of their environment; they also help to shape it. To succeed in a sustainable future, says Lorraine, they must evolve.  

“Just as changes to the natural world put pressure on organisms to adapt, we are now seeing powerful forces at work in the business world.” 

“Changes to the social, physical, and financial environment mean businesses must become more sustainable and energy efficient,” she says.

“There is a growing sense that if they are to survive and thrive in a warmer world, they must adapt, invest in technology, and become more self-sufficient and resilient.” 

That’s where initiatives like the ANZ Business Green Loan can help. 

Linked to the Green Loan Principles, the initiative can help businesses who recognise the need to shift to more sustainable practices and the opportunity this brings. 

“ANZ has led the way with sustainable finance for our Institutional Business customers and we’re proud to now offer a Business Green Loan which will help many more businesses become more sustainable, resilient, and self-sufficient.” 

Removing cost barriers 

With the largest share of New Zealand businesses banking with ANZ, Lorraine understands that cost is sometimes a barrier when it comes to investing in sustainability. 

“As the country’s largest bank, we’re seeing our customers increasingly turning to us for support and help, as they consider how best to adapt and invest in their future,” she says.  

“As with any investment, making your business more sustainable comes with a cost. We want to remove some of that cost barrier and, by doing so, help customers see the benefits sooner.” 

Supporting a greener future 

The ANZ Business Green Loan can be used to fund initiatives that support energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable land and water use, and the building, renovating, or purchasing of green buildings. 

For businesses that have already invested in these types of improvements, it’s not too late: they can re-finance existing loans if they meet eligibility criteria (including, that projects will need to have completed within 24 months of the date of application). 

That’s great news for business customers looking to diversify and future-proof their operations in a wide range of sectors. For example, explains Lorraine, “Many of our agri customers have already invested in upgrading farming systems to preserve water quality and are now looking to how they can enhance biodiversity and consider carbon sequestration through planting.”

“This loan supports those ambitions.” 


Regardless of size or scale, the ANZ Business Green Loan is designed to help businesses to adapt and thrive in a changing world. 

“Acting on sustainability brings wider business benefits through staff and stakeholder engagement; together with a positive impact on the environment. We hope an ANZ Business Green Loan will add to the sustainability story of our customers.” 

For more information on the loan (including eligibility criteria) and how we’re committed to supporting kiwis with their sustainability journeys, see ANZ Business Green Loan

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