Digital services
We offer a range of digital solutions to help businesses transact and trade, manage risk and foreign exchange, to achieve the outcomes you need.—
What we offer
- Cash management expertise and industry insights
- A global web-based transaction banking platform that helps provide visibility across your business
- Specialists to help you identify the right solutions for your business
- Dedicated implementation teams to work with you throughout the implementation process
- Innovative vision to help you manage your banking needs online
- Integrated payment and reconciliation solutions to create automated and efficient processes.
Our solutions
ANZ Digital Services Status page
ANZ Digital Services status page provides you with the current status and any planned maintenance outages for ANZ Transactive – Global, ANZ Fileactive and ANZ Cashactive. The page is updated between 07:30-21:00 NZT each business day.
Contact us
To find out more about our range of online banking solutions for your business, contact an ANZ Relationship Manager today.
A dedicated specialist will help identify the right solution for your business.