Disputing credit or debit card transactions

It’s good to know that the vast majority of unexpected charges on card accounts aren’t fraudulent. If you have an unexpected charge or a problem with a good or service purchased with your credit or debit card, here’s what you can do.

If you recognise the retailer

Common reasons for unexpected charges

Household use

If your card has additional cardholders, or if someone in your household has access to your cards, check whether they made the purchase.

If your card is saved on an online account, website or subscription, or linked to a gaming console profile, anyone who can access your devices may be able to make purchases.

Tip: Make sure your accounts, apps and profiles are set up to require a password, passcode or biometrics (face or fingerprint identification) for all purchases.

Subscription services

If you made an online purchase and then you see the retailer’s name on your card account again unexpectedly, check the emails you received from them and check their website. You may find that you signed up for a subscription without realising it.

Or, have you signed up for a free trial? Check the terms and conditions. Unless you have cancelled before the trial ends, companies may continue to charge your account. In that case, you’ll need to cancel your subscription or the services, directly with them.

Delayed charges

Credit and debit card purchases made on Fridays or over the weekend often don’t appear on your account until the following Monday. So if you recognise the retailer but the date isn’t right, it may be due to a delay in processing the purchase. 

Contact the retailer

If the charge on your card is unexpected, or if there is a problem with goods or services you have paid for, contact the retailer, merchant or service provider that has charged your card. 

The retailer can usually tell you details about the transaction that we don’t have access to. If they realise they have made a mistake, they can reverse the transaction.

If you have contacted the retailer but you haven’t heard back from them, or still disagree with the transaction, contact us. We may be able to start a dispute investigation. Please try to contact us within 60 days of the original transaction.

If you don’t recognise the retailer

Retailers sometimes use a different trading name, and that name can appear on your credit or debit card account.

What you can do:

  • Check with other card holders and household members in case they made the purchase.
  • Check your emails for a receipt. If you keep physical receipts, check for one that matches the purchase.
  • Search for the trading name online. That may help you remember who the purchase was from. You can also check our list of some common trading names that cause confusion.

  • EziDebit - Used by a number of gyms and fitness centres.
  • Epoch - A third party billing site for dating and adult websites.
  • ACC EPathway - Auckland Council, used for online payments (e.g. dog registrations, LIM reports)
  • Ezipay - Caci Clinic, ABC Learning Day Care, Ashley and Martin, Anytime Fitness. 
  • NZME – The New Zealand Herald. 
  • Ezifitness Centres - OpenAir Gymsports, Cheerleading centres, etc (part of EziDebit).
  • TWL - The Warehouse Limited .

If you still don’t know the retailer or recognise the transaction, contact us. We might be able to help. 

Please note that if a Visa Secure Unique Code was used to verify the transaction, then we are limited in what can be done through the dispute process. Read about what this code is, how it works and our layers of fraud protection.    

What we can investigate on your behalf

We can dispute a transaction on your behalf if:

  • Goods or services you paid for were not received.
  • Goods or services were received but were damaged or not as advertised.
  • Your credit or debit card details were stolen and used fraudulently by a third party.
  • A company promised you a refund but did not process the credit.
  • A company has charged you multiple times for a single transaction.
  • You cancelled your order but the company still charged you.

How to lodge a dispute

To lodge a dispute, you must:

  • Be the primary card holder or an additional card holder on the account.
  • Contact us within 60 days of the transaction. If more than 60 days have past, we may still be able to help.

When you contact us we will complete a disputes form with you, either over the phone or in person.  

What happens next

We will investigate the disputed transaction on your behalf. We may contact you if we need more information. 

Dispute investigations are usually completed within 15 business days. If our investigation will take longer, we’ll let you know.

We make every effort to resolve disputed transactions, but we cannot guarantee that you will be repaid. We do not accept any responsibility for the loss.

If the dispute is successful, a credit will be applied to your account. If the dispute is unsuccessful, you will be advised by email (or mail, if you prefer).