KiwiSaver Government contribution
Boost your KiwiSaver account with up to $521 from the Government every year.
Annual cut-off date
If you plan to contribute to your KiwiSaver account, do it by 30 June for it to be counted towards the current Government contribution year. We also recommend reviewing the timing of any direct debit or automatic payments to ensure these are received by 30 June.
What is the Government contribution?
If you’re eligible, the Government will contribute 50 cents for every dollar you contribute to your KiwiSaver account, up to a maximum of $521.43 each year.
The Government contribution is calculated based on your employee and voluntary contributions— between 1 July to 30 June each year.
It’s paid directly into your KiwiSaver account, usually by the end of August. Employee and voluntary contributions received after 30 June will be counted towards the next KiwiSaver Government contribution year.
How to maximise the Government contribution
If you’re employed, earning at least $35,000 per year and contributing at least 3% of your salary or wages, you should qualify for the maximum Government contribution automatically.
If you’re not contributing from your salary, or if your contributions may not reach $1,042.86 by the end of June, there are a number of ways you can top up your own contributions to get the maximum Government contribution:
- Increase your contribution rate
- Make regular voluntary contributions
- Make one or more lump sum contributions.
Use our Government contribution tracker
To see your progress towards receiving the Government contribution, use our tracker in the ANZ goMoney app or Internet Banking. If you joined one of our schemes before 1 July, our Government contribution tracker will show:
• How much you’re on track to receive
• How much more you need to contribute to receive the full $521.43 Government contribution.
To find it, log in to goMoney or Internet Banking, select your KiwiSaver account, and scroll to the Government contribution section.
Who is eligible?
You're generally eligible for the annual Government contribution if you:
- Are aged 18 to 64
- Contribute to your KiwiSaver account, and
- Mainly live in New Zealand.
You won't be eligible for the Government contribution if you make a life-shortening congenital conditions withdrawal.
Part-year eligibility
You can still get part of the Government contribution if during the year 1 July to 30 June you:
- Turned 18
- Turned 65
- Joined KiwiSaver for the first time (and are aged 18 to 64).
The calculation of the Government contribution you can get will be based on the number of days in the year you were eligible. For more information about how this is calculated, see our part-year eligibility case studies.
How to make a contribution
Payment from a non-ANZ bank account
Remember to include your surname, date of birth and investor number (or ANZ customer number) in the payment details so we can credit your KiwiSaver account with the amount you contribute.
ANZ KiwiSaver Scheme: ANZ KiwiSaver Clearing Account 01-0102-0952766-01
ANZ Default KiwiSaver Scheme: ANZ Default KiwiSaver Clearing Account 01-0102-0952803-01
OneAnswer KiwiSaver Scheme: OneAnswer KiwiSaver Clearing Account 01-0102-0952731-01
Tip: You can check which KiwiSaver scheme you’re in by logging into ANZ Internet Banking or the ANZ goMoney app, checking your account statements or letters you’ve received from ANZ Investments, or by getting in touch.
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Important information
ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited (‘ANZ Investments’) is the issuer and manager of the ANZ KiwiSaver Scheme. Download the guide and product disclosure statement or ask at any branch.
ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited is the issuer and manager of the ANZ Default KiwiSaver Scheme. The scheme is no longer a default scheme and is closed to new members. Important information about the ANZ Default KiwiSaver Scheme is available at and by searching ‘ANZ Default KiwiSaver Scheme’ on the offer register at
ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited is the issuer and manager of the OneAnswer KiwiSaver Scheme. Download the guide and product disclosure statement or ask at any branch.
ANZ Investments is not an authorised deposit taking institution (ADI) under Australian law and investments in each scheme aren’t deposits in or liabilities of ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, or their subsidiaries (together ‘ANZ Group’). ANZ Group doesn’t stand behind or guarantee ANZ Investments. Investments in the schemes are subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment, and loss of income and principal invested. ANZ Group won’t be liable to you for the capital value or performance of your investment.
This material is for information purposes only. We recommend seeking financial advice about your situation and goals before getting a financial product. To talk to one of our team at ANZ, please call 0800 736 034, or for more information about ANZ’s financial advice service, see our financial advice provider disclosure statement (PDF 39.9KB).