ANZ Investment Funds

Whatever your financial goals are, ANZ Investment Funds are a flexible way to help you achieve them.

In this section

How ANZ Investment Funds work

ANZ Investment Funds are professionally managed by ANZ’s investment management team, so you benefit from their wealth of knowledge and expertise. You also get the benefit of diversification, because the funds spread their investments over hundreds of assets such as shares, bonds and listed property across local and international markets.

Whatever your goals are, be it saving for a house renovation or deposit, or your children’s education fund, an ANZ Investment Fund can help you get there.

Three great reasons to choose an ANZ Investment Fund

What makes up your ANZ Investment Fund account?

Your contributions   +/- returns   - fees   +/- taxes   =   your investment fund balance

What are the funds you can invest in?

You can choose from five funds, each with a different investment timeframe and mix of assets.

Need help? Find out your risk profile

Understanding your tolerance for investment risk may help you choose the right fund for you.

Get started today

How to apply

From overseas: +64 9 356 4000

If you wish to speak to an external financial adviser, call 0800 736 034 and we’ll put you in touch with one.

Free investment advice

The future is bright when you feel confident about your investment choices. If you need help choosing the right investment option for you, talk to one of our ANZ Investment Advisers. They can provide free advice tailored to your individual situation.

Take the first step today – call us for a free, no-obligation chat with one of our qualified Investment Advisers on 0800 269 238. See ANZ’s financial advice provider disclosure

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Important information

ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited ('ANZ Investments') is the issuer and manager of the ANZ Investment Funds. Important information, including the guide and product disclosure statement is available on ANZ Investment Funds rates, fees and agreements

ANZ Investments is not an authorised deposit-taking institution under Australian law and investments in the ANZ Investment Funds are not deposits in or liabilities of ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited or their subsidiaries (together ‘ANZ Group’). ANZ Group does not stand behind or guarantee ANZ Investments. Investments in the ANZ Investment Funds are subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment, and loss of income and principal invested. ANZ Group will not be liable to you for the capital value or performance of your investment.

This material is for information purposes only. We recommend seeking financial advice about your situation and goals. To talk to one of our team at ANZ, please call 0800 736 034. For more information about ANZ’s financial advice service or to view our financial advice provider disclosure statement see